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Scholarship Funds

Dsc 0595

Expand OPportunity

Saint John’s Prep has always welcomed and supported students regardless of their ability to pay. Those commitments have helped us enroll an economically-diverse student body. Tuition assistance creates opportunity and changes the trajectory of students’ lives by sustaining their enrollment, and allowing them to realize their potential through their pursuit of collegiate and life aspirations.

Today, six in 10 Prep students demonstrate need and receive financial assistance, more than doubling the number of qualifying students in the last decade. Only 38% of the total financial aid currently awarded is supported by restricted scholarship funds, resulting in unendurable tuition discounting and threatens access in the future.

By establishing, or contributing to a scholarship fund, you are contributing to our tuition assistance program, allowing us to meet the financial aid needs of our students and eliminate price as a barrier to enrollment.

Scholarship gifts can be made in any amount at any time, and can be distributed based on the needs of the school and desires of the donor, as outlined below:

1. Single-gift scholarships, also known as ‘Adopt-A-Student’, are one-time gifts given to be awarded to one or more student(s). Typically, these are smaller gifts distributed within the year they are received to students whose needs cannot wait.

2. Endowed scholarships, in which the original gift is invested and a percentage is drawn and awarded each year, can be created with a minimum investment of $50,000. You can make a one-time gift or develop a plan to grow the fund to the necessary amount required before disbursements from the fund are made.

3. Blended gifts are a satisfying way to immediately help students while the school is able to invest for the future. You can accomplish this goal by making two annual gifts: one to grow your endowed. scholarship and the other to provide a single-gift scholarship. For example, you can pledge $10,000) a year for five years to reach the minimum requirement for an endowed scholarship. Your gifts are held in a secure account until the pledge is fulfilled and your gift is invested. Over that same period, you make a second annual gift, providing immediate funding to those who need it most.

Scholarship funds can be established with gifts of cash, securities, or through a planned gift. For more information, please contact a member of the Advancement Team at 1-800-525-7737.

Saint John’s Preparatory School is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax-deductable to the full extent of the law.