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3 Prep Students honored in national physics photo contest

Three Saint John’s Prep students are being honored for their submissions to the 2024 AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest. Hardy Hong ’27, Drew Zahasky ’26 and Matilda Shouse Tourino ’27 all had submissions that were ranked in the top 100 of contest entries.

Hardy Drew Matilda

The contest is sponsored by the American Association of Physics Teachers. The contest is geared toward giving high school students with the opportunity to apply physics concepts to everyday phenomena using the art of photography. This year there were over 500 entries.

The photos were judged with ten criteria: aesthetic, captivating detail, expert-like, metacognitive discussion, photographic quality, procedures, social awareness, thorough reasoning, uniqueness, and writing.

You can see these Johnnies’ photos and read their short essays on the physics concepts they explore by clicking the links below.

Hardy’s photo captures intricate shapes of conical ice crystals.
Drew’s photo captures two mirrors and the concept known as the “infinite reflection.”
Matilda’s photo captures Lamellar twining In labradorite.

These students were encouraged to submit images for the AAPT contest by Saint John’s Prep Physics teacher, Charles Miller.