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Christmas and New Year Message from the Head of School

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Below is a message Head of School Jon McGee shared with our families this Christmas season.

Dear Parents,

To rephrase the opening lines of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, “Finals are over: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that.” Students, faculty, and staff have bid each other good-bye for a few weeks. We have wished our students who departed Prep at the end of the semester well and the hope we will meet again someday. Hallways and classrooms are still and quiet. Left behind coats, lunch bags, boots, sweaters and even pants fill a table in the main office awaiting reclamation (at least we hope).
Christmas is a time of joy, celebration and great anticipation for young and old alike. In this season, we reflect specially on the knowledge that God is near. Christmas also is a season of renewal and new beginnings. The solstice marks the end of the season of darkness and the beginning of the season of light. How fitting. Our celebration moves to anticipation of a new year.
On behalf the faculty and staff at Prep, we wish you and your families all the joy, celebration, and renewal of Christmas. We look forward to our students’ return on January 7 and the promise of the new year.

May peace come to our world and bring you good cheer.
Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year.

With gratitude,

Jon McGee
Head of School