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Welcome from the Head of School

Saint Johns Prep Building

Imagine. Create. Discover.

Welcome to Saint John’s Preparatory School, the oldest secondary school in Minnesota! Since our founding in 1857, we have dedicated ourselves to rigorous educational preparation and deep personal formation. As a premier arts and sciences world school, we prize imagination, creativity, and discovery, offering experiences that nurture curiosity and expand our students’ horizons.

We are part of a 1,500-year-old tradition of Catholic Benedictine values that continue to animate the soul of the Prep experience. They preference a common good in support of community. They commit us to deep listening, with both the ear and the heart, to the voices of all around us. As a world school whose students and curriculum reflect traditions from across the globe, we believe that an exceptional education requires an understanding and appreciation of many perspectives and experiences. As called by Saint Benedict, we welcome all as Christ at Saint John’s Prep, embracing the unique identity and talents of every student we enroll, preparing them to develop the cultural agility and moral foundation to thrive in a 21st century world.

We take learning seriously at Prep. Our outstanding faculty and staff prepare our students not only to ask “what” or “how,” but “why.” We challenge our students daily to seek inspiration, to reach beyond the familiar to try something new, to imagine, invent, re-imagine or re-invent.

We engage our7w2a5155 students not only as they are but in relation to all that they can become. Students at Saint John’s Prep courageously take intellectual and creative risks to discover their purpose and passions and to grow in mind, heart, and soul. Set on a spectacular 2,900-acre water and woodland campus with access to the tremendous resources of Saint John’s University and Saint John’s Abbey, our students have unparalleled opportunities to explore, discover, and create.

A lively, rigorous, engaging experience rooted in a deep sense of community and timeless values; we invite you to discover Saint John’s Prep!

Jon McGee
Head of School


"We sent our boys to prep because of its academic reputation and were more than satisfied with how Prep prepared them for life! It was an honor and privilege to send our sons to Prep! The investment by our family was worth every dime!"
Tom, parent
"Excellent middle and high school, top notch students and staff!"
Rebecca, parent
"I am really proud of all the friends I have made, from all different cultures and countries. I love Saint John’s Prep because they make you feel as though you were home."
Patricio, student