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Category: From the Head of School

From the Head of School: Our Lenten Journey

A Lenten Journey Journey is an oft-used metaphor to describe Lent, no doubt because the season spans a total of 46 days and provides ample time for thoughtful spiritual and personal reflection. The dictionary defines journey as both a noun – like a trip – and a verb – an act of traveling. I much prefer […]

Christmas Blessings from Saint John’s Prep

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human […]

Thanksgiving 2020: Reflect in Gratitude

Thanksgiving 2020 The following message was shared by Head of School Jon McGee to Saint John’s Prep families for Thanksgiving 2020.   “Gratitude at its deepest level embraces all of life with thanksgiving: the good and the bad, the joyful and the painful, the holy and the not so holy… I am gradually learning that […]

Dear Students: Looking Ahead to Election Day

Election Day 2020 Below is a message about the November 3 Head of School Jon McGee shared with our Upper School students in grades 9-12. Dear Students, We are now just one week away from election day. For some seniors who have already turned 18, this will be your first opportunity to vote. I strongly […]

Hope and Community

The following message was sent to students, parents, alumni and friends of Saint John’s Prep. June 2, 2020 Dear Prep Community, It has been a week of profound tragedy and sorrow for our state and our country.The killing of George Floyd painfully reminds us of the human cost of racism and violence. It forces us […]

The Easter Gift of Hope

Dear Saint John’s Prep Community, Hope is central to the message of the Triduum and the Easter season that follows. Hope in something greater beyond this life, beyond ourselves. It is not a hope based on wishful thinking or fantasy, but rather one drawn from deep love and rooted firmly in faith: Easter provides us […]

With Gratitude and Gratefulness: A Thanksgiving Message

A Thanksgiving Message from Head of School Jon McGee Dear Parents and Saint John’s Prep Families, As our students look forward to the five-day Thanksgiving break this week and the rush to Christmas that will commence when they return, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the deeper meaning of Thanksgiving and the […]

New Year, New Possibilities

Lead, Leave, Live and Love Dear Parents, The beginning of a new academic year has a magical quality.  Even for returning students, everything seems new.  I have always loved the start of a new year.  In the first days and weeks of school, anything is possible. We kicked off our year with convocation, a time […]