Meet our Teachers- Tom Grandy Posted on January 18, 2019 in Faculty News, Press Releases Over the next few weeks, including Monday, January 21, the students of Saint John’s Prep will spend time learning about the Civil Rights Movement and the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This conscientious time of learning is largely coordinated by Tom Grandy. Mr. Grandy is a math teacher at Prep, but he has also is an advocate for educating young people about this great movement for freedom, opportunity and democracy. Instead of taking a day off school on the national holiday that commemorates Dr. King’s life and work, it is a day of learning for Prep students. Mr. Grandy built the curriculum to help students understand the importance of the movement and ending the cycle of inequality and discrimination. He also shares the ongoing impact the 1950’s and ‘60’s has on our country and world. As part of the programming, students will divide into grade level groups to watch impactful documentaries and then take part in readings and discussions. Mr. Grandy created the discussion guides. Later in January, in partnership with the Campus Ministry team, students will learn more about the tumultuous 1960’s when they hear from Army Major John Donovan who will share “The Music of War,” and the impact music had on soldiers and America. Mr. Grandy grew up in Becker, MN. He has been teaching since the fall of 2004 and started teaching at Saint John’s Prep in 2006. Mr. Grandy graduated from St. Olaf in 1995 and earned his BA in the areas of Mathematics, Religion, and Ancient Studies. He also earned his BA in Mathematics Education from St. Cloud State University in 2004 and his Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology in 2000. Mr. Grandy is also a baseball coach for Saint John’s Prep, he loves everything about the sport. His knowledge of the game is unbeatable! In addition to enjoying baseball, Mr. Grandy also enjoys acting in local theater performances. In the summer of 2018, he took the stage in the Minnewaska Showstoppers production of Guys and Dolls. Mr. Grandy enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters. Mr. Grandy says he really the commitment to learning shared by all of Saint John’s Prep teachers and students. He says he appreciates global perspective our community offers.